About Rijno
” Live Life to the fullest “
Rijno Boon is based in The Netherlands and started with analoque photo gear at a young age exploring the fields of photography.
Once in the digital transition he started with sports photography and since 2010 he found his field in concert- and live photography covering for magazines, venues, festivals, national- and international live bands/artists.
Over the last years Rijno is the official photographer for Laurence Jones Music in The Netherlands.

Rijno Boon has taken some of the finest concert live captures of Walter Trout.
He manages to be able to catch the essence in the moment in his photography, while still getting the framing, the lighting and great vivid clarity just right.
Rijno is one of my favorite photographers to capture Walter Trout unchained, live, and in the moment.”
Marie Trout
By far the best live photographer in the music industry.
Rijno has been my official photographer in The Netherlands for the last 6 years. I personally asked Rijno to capture some of my proudest moments & favourite venues I’ve played at over the years.
Rijno’s style has always grabbed me. A picture can speak a 1000 words & Rijno always captures the same energy we create live as he does in a photo. He’s part of the team now.
LJ “
Laurence Jones
Rijno has been part of my story for years now. Not only because he’s one of the greatest concert photographers around but also because he’s so much more than that.
He’s been there to hear our story, really listen to our lyrics and capture our music and message in some great shots. The pictures he’s taken over the years can take us back in time and make us relive some great shows we got to play.
He’s the kind of guy who’s never in your way but still manages to be at the exact spot to catch the right angles. He’s warm and loving and just a great guy all around.”
Sem Jansen
Not only is Rijno one of the finest people I’ve come across, also he seems to be able to image capture those dear little moments where passion, atmosphere, lighting, timing, composition and that which cannot be named but has to be present when the moment is most meaningful, like nobody else.
The word amateur is translated from ancient Greek as: ‘He who does it for love’. And as it shows, Rijno is the truest professional when it comes to being an amateur.”
Robin Assen-Navarone